Guess what?! I just got featured in the University of Hartford - Women Business Center's Newsletter!

WBC Business Spotlight article says:
Jasleni Brito has always been a creative spirit. Her business, Jasleni Art & Design, provides a wide range of visual branding services such as logos and website designs, and even the occasional commissioned painting. After earning her degree in Graphic Design from Central Connecticut State University, Jasleni went to work in marketing design for larger companies like Whole Foods Market. But after a while, she realized that having her own design firm was what she truly wanted. “Working in a company, even in a creative job, can actually be quite limiting,” she said. “I wanted to be able to do my own thing and help people along the way.
She started her business about three years ago, and she turned to the Entrepreneurial Center & Women’s Business Center for some assistance in getting it off the ground. “The Center gave me confidence,” she said. “When you are starting out, you have so many questions. Lacey Banks McGill was so helpful, and she gave me really sound business advice.”
While the pandemic has forced a lot of businesses to scale back, Jasleni recognizes that she’s been fortunate. She says she has been grateful for the opportunity to slow down, re-prioritize, and even work on some personal creative projects. And her business has actually thrived, as well. Clients have been forced to think about the importance of their websites and their online visual presence, so they have been seeking her out. “It’s what I’ve been telling my clients for a long time, and now they are seeing the value in it,” she said. “So I’ve been managing a lot of inquiries and a lot of interest. People are feeling the urgency and are ready to make the leap. It’s been busy, but I can’t complain!”
To learn more about the Women's Business Center and their offerings click here!