I just got back from the Journey to Joy retreat in Puerto Rico facilitated by my lovely client, Transformational Coach Cynthia Santiago Borbon and my heart is truly BURSTING WITH JOY. This was my first in-person retreat (not on Zoom) so I want to share my thoughts as I hope it will be beneficial to anyone also seeking to ignite more joy into their life.
I'll start off by saying that this was by far one of the BEST trips I have ever been on in my entire life, which says a lot considering I have traveled to over 20 countries, and just recently got back from Egypt! And yet what made this trip so incredible was something I have never seen elsewhere, never experienced elsewhere... It's hard to explain, but in short, I met a tribe of women I truly believe to be my soul sisters.
Although we were a diverse group of women, from all walks of life, different professions, different nationalities, different ages, we all had something in common - it was as if we shared the same spirit. We were complete strangers just days ago and yet we instantly connected, adored each other, and felt immense compassion and support. We found ourselves losing sense of time itself, and simply basking in the joy of being ourselves in our truest expression.
This experience and that connection means more to me than I can possibly communicate. Even now, at home and away from the ocean view, I still feel the high.
I feel amazing, BIG, beautiful, inspired, rejuvenated, and empowered - a full-body type of SELF LOVE I do not feel often. I literally found myself crying tears of joy which is completely unlike me.
While at the retreat I did things I hadn't done in a long time... I danced freely, honored my ancestors, laughed uncontrollably, ate delicious foods, made new friends, spoke up, hugged tightly, swam in the ocean at night under a full wolf moon, and more importantly, identified what truly brings me joy. In a way, I remembered who I truly am.
There's no possible way I could describe it all but I want to at least list my biggest takeaways for you to ponder.
Taking care of myself is not selfish. In fact, by taking care of myself I can show up recharged, fuller, and be of better service to my loved ones, my clients, and my community.
I am not small, and I no longer want to keep myself small. I am BIG, expansive, and impactful. I can make a difference. I do make a difference with every interaction I have! This feels like an important one to remember, especially when doubt creeps in.
Dancing is sooooo good for the soul. If possible try to dance every day, even if just for a few seconds at a time.
When women come together and support each other, it is truly a FORCE. We may be fabulous on our own, but we are unstoppable together.
Hard work doesn't have to be hard. I've always prided myself on being a hard worker. Now I strife to work EASY, and in doing so I've attracted the most amazing clients doing really rewarding work. Having a job you love is doable, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
And finally, Joy is a CHOICE. If we're not happy, we can choose to get up and make a change. Of course, some changes are easier than others, but WE CAN choose to be happy if we want to.
THANK YOU so much to Cynthia Santiago Borbon and to H.L. Ray III for your generosity and for making it possible for me to attend. THANK YOU to all of the radiant soul being sisters who made me feel so badass and special. THANK YOU to my ancestors, guides, and to the universe for all of my blessings.